Third Year (Honours) & Qualify

Third Year Honours (Anthropology) and Qualify                                 Semester   I

Core Courses

Anth- 5201      (4) Anthropology of Tourism (I)

Anth- 5202      (4) Medical Anthropology (I)

Anth- 5203      (4) Stone Ages of Asia, Europe, and Africa (I)

Anth- 5204      (4) Rural Studies in Anthropology

Anth- 5205      (4) Anthropological Research Methods (I)*

Anth- 5206      (4) Ecological Anthropology (I)

မွတ္ခ်က္။ ။ (၁) Anth- 5205 & Anth- 5211, Anthropological Research Methods

ဘာသာရပ္တြင္ ကြင္းဆင္းသုေတသနျပဳလုပ္ပံု၊ ျပဳလုပ္နည္းကို လက္ေတြ႔သင္ၾကားရန္အတြက္ သုေတသနခရီး ထြက္းပါမည္။

(၂) ပထမပညာသင္ႏွစ္ဝက္စာေမးပြဲေျဖဆိုျပီးပါက (၅) ရက္မွ (၁၀)ရက္အထိ ကြင္းဆင္းသုေတသန ခရီးထြက္ပါမည္။

(၃) ၎ဘာသာရပ္အတြက္ Tutorial (၁၀)မွတ္ ၊ လက္ေတြ႔ကြင္းဆင္းမႈကို (၁၀)မွတ္ သတ္မွတ္ပါမည္။


Third Year Honours (Anthropology) and Qualify                                     Semester   II

Core Courses

Anth- 5207      (4) Anthropology of Tourism (II)

Anth- 5208      (4) Medical Anthropology (II)

Anth- 5209      (4) Stone Ages of Asia, Europe, and Africa (II)

Anth- 5210      (4) Urban Anthropology (II)

Anth- 5211      (4) Anthropological Research Methods (II)*

Anth- 5212      (4) Ecological Anthropology (II)