Courses in PhD in Industrial Chemistry (Five –year Program)

PhD Programme
Course Description
Energy Resource Technology

This module gives a board study of the energy conversion by combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Key topics include power production, efficiency, operating principles of renewable energy production from various renewable sources.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the energy conversion by combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
-Analyze the mechanism and chemistry of lubrication.
-Understand operating principles, power production, efficiency, energy yield of various renewable energy systems.
-Distinguish between the sustainable energy sources and fossil energy sources with emphasis on solar energy.
-Recognize the need of renewable energy technologies and their role in the Myanmar and world energy demand.
-Disseminate detailed technical aspect of fuel and energy technology.

This unit let the students analyze chemical changes and biochemical processes and an emphasis will be placed on (1) preservation of the strain and purification of the strains and (2) manipulation of different fermentation states. Moreover, this also covers the concepts of bioreactors and membrane separation techniques.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the microorganisms, their growth and enzyme actions.
-Analyze chemical changes and biochemical processes.
-Integrate the preservation and purification of the strains.
-Manipulate different fermentation states.
-Adapt bioreactors and membrane separation.
-Integrate and practice fermentation processes.
-Identify different immobilization methods.

Food Science
This course deals with identification and classification of preserving techniques for particular foods. This unit delivers the message to the students about the important facts of temperature control in heat and cold preservation and also atmospheric control in preserving foods. This will investigate the manufacturing processes of various kinds of foods and their appropriate handling for food safety.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the temperature control in heat and cold preservation and atmospheric control in preserving foods.
-Analyze handling of foods and their constituents, hydrocolloids and manufacturing processes.
-Assess fatty acid profiles, refining of fats and oils focusing on soybean oil extraction and recovery of byproduct
-Adapt preserving techniques for particular foods and manipulate preservation methods.
-Manipulate appropriate food handling and manufacturing processes.
-Solve malpractices of food safety.

Environmental Science
This unit provides in-depth study on water and wastewater treatment, especially on advanced filtration technique based on the concepts of physical and chemical unit processes and operations. Moreover, this also focus on providing the students with the skills to understand the type and nature of air pollutants, the behavior of plumes and relevant meteorological determinants influencing the dispersion of air pollutants.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand in-depth knowledge of physical and chemical properties of unit processes and operations for water and wastewater treatment, especially on advanced filtration technique.
-Understand the radiobiological basis of radiation protection standards and effects radiation on environment and living things.
-Explain and use the main design criteria for water and wastewater treatment processes.
-Evaluate the health risks posed by abandoned toxic/hazardous waste sites and their waste disposal operations.
-Evaluate air quality management and analyze the causes and effects of air pollution.
-Disseminate detailed technical aspect of environmental engineering.