Total Credits = 16 per week
Total Hours = 28 per week
Anth 711 Physical Anthropology
Part- 1
-Chemical compositions of man
-Organelles of cell-structure and functions
– Teminology
– General structure of Nucleic acids
– Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
– Ribonucleic acid ( RNA)
– different types of RNA and their significances
– Amino acids
– Protein synthesis
– Chromosoneal disorders
– Some common diseases
Part- 2
– Origin of earth
(a) The solar system- the sun and nine planets
(b) Theories of formation of the earth
– Vertebrate animal kingdom
(a) Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Apes
(a) Concept of Evolution
(b) Approach to Evolution
(c) Early theories in Evolution
(d) Darwin theory of Evolution
– Primate: Fayum Primates, Pondaung Primates, Krabi Primates
– Evolution of man: Auatralopithecus, Homohabilis, Homoerectus, Homo Sapien
Neanderthalensis, Homo Sapien Sapien
(a) Basic anatomy of Man
(b) The genetic mechanisms of evolution
(c) DNA, RNA
(d) Race as an evolution process
Anth 712 Cultural Anthropology
(a) Language and communication
(b) Language in its cultural setting
(c) Language and thought
(d) Theoretical Linguistics
(e) American Linguistics
(a) Capitalist development and cultural experience
(b) Colonialism and Malay peasants
(c) Post colonialism and Philippine
(d) Socio-culturalism and India
(a) Founders
(b) The nature of culture and society
(c) Evolutionary, adaptationalism and materialism
(d) Structures, symbols, and meaning, practice, agency and power
(a) Archaeology in Anthropology
(b) Paleolithic culture, Mesolithic culture, Neolithic Culture, Metal, Metal Age
(c) Prehistoric economy and Social Organization
Anth 713 Ethnographic Methods
An Overview of Ethnography
Ethnographic Perspectives
Writing Ethnography
Anth 714 Applied Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Introduction to Medical Anthropology
The Anthropological Approach in Health and Health Care
Qualitative Studies Including Anthropological Research in Health
Tourism Anthropology
An Anthropological Perspective on Tourism and Commodification
Authenticity Cultural Patrimony and Tourism
Host and Guest
Educational Anthropology
Anthropology and Education
Classroom Culture
Local Traditional Education and community
Ecological Anthropology
Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Market Integration and Distribution of Ecological knowledge within An
Ecuadorian Fishing Community.