Political History of Myanmar

Ph.D preliminary course (History)

Core course for History Specialization


I. Introduction
  1. Locating the content of the course within the discipline
  2. Locating the course within the curriculum


a. Locating the content of the course within the disciplined

The focus of the course is to explore the changes of political patterns in Myanmar.  It covers the situation of politics since Konbaung Dynasty to Burma Socialist Program Party period of Myanmar. The goal is to examine how the changes of politics in Myanmar and what we should take a lesson from the events.


b. Locating the course within the curriculum

The course is a part of Ph.D  (History) Degree for preliminary history students  of University of Yangon.


II-III.    Aims and Learning outcomes
  1. Academic Aims, Goals
  2. Learning Outcomes (objectives)


a. Aims:

The course aims are as follows: ƒ

To give students to the knowledge of political changes of Myanmar

To evaluate the why and how the convinced of different political patterns in Myanmar.


b. Learning Outcomes:

After participation in class discussions and assignments, students should be able to:

  • Examine the causes and significances of historic politicalevents, and analyze the impact of politics changes in Myanmar history.

By the end of the semester students would be able to:

  • Evaluate the different political patterns in Myanmar.
  • Analysis the changes of politics in Myanmar.


IV. Structure of the course

The course is structured in four main sections.

  • The first part covers the administrative system of Konbaung Monarchical period. .
  • The second part of the course contains the development of political system in Colonial period and the historic events for struggle for Independent.
  • The third part of the course includes Parliamentary system in Myanmar.
  • The fourth part describes how Myanmar goes to Socialism under BSPP government.