First Year

Semester I

Fundamental Courses
Myan 1001 (3) (2-2) Myanmar
Eng 1001 (3) (2-2) English

Core Courses
CS 1101 (4) (3-2) Computing Fundamentals I
CS 1102 (4) (3-2) Program Development Methodology I

Elective Courses (*)
Maths 1001 (3) (2-2) Mathematics
Phy 1001 (3) (2-2) Physics
AM 1001 (3) (2-2) Aspects of Myanmar

(*) A student can choose any 1 elective offered from the departments of Mathematics and Physics.

Semester II

Fundamental Courses
Myan 1002 (3) (2-2) Myanmar
Eng 1002 (3) (2-2) English

Core Courses
CS 1103 (4) (3-2) Computing Fundamentals II
CS 1104 (4) (3-2) Program Development Methodology II

Elective Courses (*)
Maths 1002 (3) (2-2) Mathematics
Phy 1002 (3) (2-2) Physics
AM 1002 (3) (2-2) Aspects of Myanmar

(*) A student can choose any 1 elective offered from the departments of Mathematics and Physics.