Dr.Wai Wai Thein

Dr.Wai Wai Thein
Associate Professor, Department of Botany

Academic Qualification:
B.Sc (Hons), 1987, University of Yangon
M.Sc, 1994, University of Yangon
Ph.D, 2011, University of Yangon
Career history
Demonstrator (1995)
Assistant Lecturer (2003)
Lecturer (2010)
Associate Professor (2015 up to now)
Field of Interest:
B.Sc (Hons), 1987, University of Yangon
Pharmacognosy, Microbiology

(1) Evaluation of wound healing properties of root extract of Flemingia strobilifera (L.) R. Br. In albino rat model, Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, 2019, Vol.17,No.4, 181-188
(2) Estrogenic Activities of Pueraria candollei Grah. Tuberous Roots ( University of Research Journal, 2011, Vol.4,No.1, 139-150)
(3) Effect of Mycorrhiza on Germination, Growth and Mineral Uptake of Spathoglottis plicata Blume.( University of Yangon Research Journal, 2019, Vol.9,No.2, 43-51)
(4) Evaluation of Garbage Enzyme and Its Antimicrobial Activity (University of Yangon Research Journal, 2019, Vol.9, No.2, 171-179)

(Total 4)
MRes. (2)
MSc (2)
