Dr Thet Thet Mar Win

Dr Thet Thet Mar Win
Professor, Department of Botany

Academic Qualification
B.Sc(Qualify), M.Sc(Geobotany), PhD(Geobotany, University of Yangon,Myanmar)

Career history
Demonstrator (1998-2006) , Assistant Lecturer (2006-2011 ),
Lecturer (2011-2016), Associate Professor (2016-2020), Professor (2021-until now)

Field of Interest
Geobotany (MSc), Geobotany (PhD)

(1)Integrated study on plants distribution and trace elements dispersion in soil, Khwayaik Taung, Heho, Southern Shan State, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Journal (MAAS) Vol. IV, No.4, 2006
(2) Phytosociological study on different lithologic units in Khwayaik Taung, copper deposit, Shan State, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Journal (MAAS) Vol. VII, No.4, 2009
(3) Study on Indicator Plant for Copper Mineralization in Khwayaik Taung, Heho, Southern Shan State, Myeik University Research Journal, Vol. II, No. 1, 2010
(4) Standardization and Acute Toxicity Study of Premna integrifolia Linn. (Taung-Tan-Gyi), The Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012
(5) Species Diversity and Floristic Composition of Plant Communities in the Shinma-Taung and Powin-Taung Reserved Forests in the Dry Zone Area, Journal of the Asia Research CentreVol. 3, No.2, 2013
(6) မြန်မာနိုင်ငံပုပ္ပါးတောင်ရှိဆေးဖက်ဝင်အပင်များ စုစည်းမှု့ ISBN 978-89-6811-250-8 93480, 2016 (National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR)), South Korea
(7) Molecular phylogenetic study of Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) species inferred from the Chloroplast and Nuclear Ribosomal DNA sequences, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Journal (MAAS) Vol. XV, No.4 ISSN 2520-0186, 2017
(8) Ethnobotany of wild medicinal plants used by the Müün ethnic people; A quantitative survey in southern Chin State, Myanmar, Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2210-8033/ © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. Vol.13, 2017
(9) Study on Fabaceae and Acanthaceae families of Angiosperms from Pyay Township in West Universities Research JournalVol.10, No.4, 2018
(10) Chin indigenous Ethnomedicinal plants and traditional knowledge among three groups in Natma Taung National Park (Myanmar), Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 0378-8741/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Vol. 225, Vol. 8,2018
(11) Taxonomic Description of the Lamiaceae and Verbenaceae Families of the Flora of Paukkhaung Township, University of Yangon Research Journal, Vol. 8, 2018
(12) Study on some Useful Plants Angiosperm Growing in Aung Myin Bar Hu Protected Forest Area, Pyay Township, Dagon University Commemoration of 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee Research Journal Vol. 9, No.2, 2019
(13) Useful flowering plants in Myanmar, Vol. I (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea , 2019, Vol. I , Page 1-209, ISBN: 978-89-6709-135-4)
(14) Taxonomical Studies of Some Members of Malvaceae Family occurring in Pyay Township, West Bago Region, Universities Research Journal, Vol. 11, No.10, 2019
(15) Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants among four Chin indigenous groups in Tedim Township, Northern Chin State, Myanmar, Vol. 11, 2020

Supervision and Examiners

Supervisor (PhD) 5
Co-supervisor (PhD) 2
Member (PhD) 1
Supervisor (MRes) 1
MSc Supervisor 1
MSc External examiner 3
Total 13