Dr. Ni Zin Soe
Associate Professor
Department of History, University of Yangon
B.A(Q)2001, Dagon University, Myanmar
M.A., 2004, Dagon University, Myanmar
Ph.D, 2011, University of Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar
Title : The History of Myanmar Police Force (1948-1974)
Work Experience
Associate Professor, University of Yangon
Course Taught :Hist 1104 -Myanmar and Culture I @ II
Hist 1102 -World History 1500-1900
MS 4103 – Cultural History of Myanmar Colonial Period
Hist 3107 – Foreign relation in Konbaung Period
Lecturer, University of Yangon
Course Taught :M.S 5210 – Social History of Myanmar
Hist 4110 – International Relations Since 1945 II
Hist 3207 -Foreign Relations in the Konbaung Period I @ II
Hist 3103 -Modern China
A.M 1001 -Aspects of Myanmar
Assistant Lecturer, Dagon University
Course Taught : A.M 1001 – Aspects of Myanmar
Hist 1005 – Introduction to Myanmar Civilization I @ II
Hist 2104 -History of Science and Technology
Tutor, Maubin University
Course Taught : A.M 1001 – Aspects of Myanmar
Research Field
Social History. Special interest in Education
Publication Research Papers
Yin Yin Khine and Ni Zin Soe
2022, Demographic profile of the Bamar and Their ethnic clusters in Historical sources (University of Yangon Research Journal Vol . II, No. 1)