Dr Lwin Mar Saing

Dr Lwin Mar Saing
Professor, Department of Botany

Education and Research Background
BSc (Qualify, Credit), MSc (Taxonomy), PhD (Taxonomy, Systematic evolution) University of Yangon
Field of Specialization
MSc (Taxonomy), PhD (Taxonomy, Systematics evolution)

Career history
28.7.1998 – 1.12.2006- Demonstrator (Dagon University, Myeik University)
1.12.2006 – 1.12.2011- Assistant Lecturer (Dagon University)
1.12.2011 – 31.3.2016- Lecturer (Dagon University, Dawei University, Dagon University)
1.4.2016 – 28.12.2020- Associate Professor (Pang Long University, Pyay University)
5.1.2021 – Until now – Professor (Yangon University)

Field of Specialization
MSc (Taxonomy), PhD (Taxonomy, Systematics evolution)

(Research journal in Universities)
(a)Significant Characters of Bamboo (Green- Gold) and Their Natural Resources in Myanmar (University of Maguage Research Journal) (Vol. IX, Life Science) 2019
(b) Some Novel Wild Sweet Grasses in Myanmar (Proceedngs of the International Joint Symposium (Vol.1, No 2) (2019)
(c)Botanical study and Important Uses of Tinyu (Pinus spp.) Forest in Pang Long Area (3rd Myanmar – Korea Conference on Useful Plants) (2020)
(d) A Benificial invasive Plant in Pyay University Campus (Pyay University research Journal) (Vol. 11, No.1) 2019
(e) Less awareness and evolutionary trends of wild Saccharum spp. (wild sugarcane) in Myanmar (Universities Research Journal) (Vol. 11, No .9) (2019)
(f) Some Important Rosewood and Their Deforestation Status in Southern Shan State of Myanmar Dagon University,2nd Myanmar – Korea Conference on Useful Plants) (Vol. 1) (2019)
(g)Indigenous knowledge and traditional uses of Hsalon Tribe on Family Bambusaceae(Bamboo) in Done-Palae-Arr Island (Universities Research Journal (Vol. 10, No.5) (2018)
(h)Significance roles of some beneficial weeds and their bridging the gap between humanity and natural environment in Pang Long University Campus (Pang Long University) (Vol.8, No.1) (2017)
(i) Study on different wild Paddy Genus Oryza L. in Myanmar (The best Research award in Ministry of Higher Education (lower Myanmar) Dagon university ceremony (Vol. 7, No.2) (2016)
(j)Invasive Alien Species in Pang Long University Campus (Pang Long University) (Vol.7, No.1) (2016)
(k)Study of some C₄ Grasses for Cattle fodder in Myanmar (Dawei University) (Vol.5, No.1) (2013)
(l)Study on significantly different characters between genera of Dendrocalamus and Bambusa in Myanmar (Universities research Journal (Vol .5, No .1) (2012)

Supervision and Examiners

Supervisor (PhD) 2
Supervisor (MRes) 2
Supervisor MSc 2
MSc Member 6
MSc External examiner 1
MRes Member 1
Total 14

Professional honors, awards and fellowships
(a) Awarwless of wild Paddy Genus Oryza L. in Myanmar (The best Research award in Ministry of Higher Education (lower Myanmar) & the best science research in 23rd Dagon university ceremony (2016) (Vol. 7, No.1)
(b) “Spot” characters of some species in Myanmar (People Republic of China) (Presentation for Myanmar’ Tropical Biodiversity and Taxonomy Knowledge Changes Program Conference as Consultant for Ministry of Higher Education (Pang Long University) (2017-2018)
(c)Some important species in Southern Shan State of Myanmar (The best Research award in Ceremony of Pang Long University) (2018)
(d) Distinct spot characters and evolutionary trends of wild family Cyperaceae (Sedge) in some areas of Southern Shan State (The best Research award in Ceremony of Taungyi University) (2017)

Current doing research (2018 – at the present)
(a)Importance role for conservation and development issue of some wild natural plants, native wild coffee family in Southern Shan State of Myanmar (2018- doing at the present) (FRI)
(b)The vast role of wild sugarcane as cultivar and biodiversity sustainable development in Southern Shan State of Myanmar (2018- doing at the present) (FRI)
(c) Taxonomic study and conserve status for some endanger species of wild Palm (Coconus family) in Myanmar. (2019- doing at the present) (FRI)

Community service
(a) Natural Ecosystem Course Master Training (Manchester.ac.uk, TIDE)
(b)Flora of Myanmar (contributor) at the present
(c) Grasses of Myanmar (contributor) at the present
(d) RES (Emp-024) “Matching the Graduates and Employability in Myanmar (nepc ir &research)

Membership and activities in professional associations
Taxonomy and tropical biodiversity and Conservation Knowledge Changes for Myanmar in People Republic of China (Shenzhen fairy Lake University/ Lab / Garden as a consultant for Ministry of Higher Education in Myanmar)
Other professional activities (Workshops, Seminars and consultations)
(a)Ecosystem Valuation Training (Research Capacity Building Program) Myanmar Coastal Conservation Lab.
(b)Workshop on Myanmar Biodiversity and Conservation
Wild type of plants in Myanmar, (www.wtpm.edu.co/mwtp)
