Dr Khin Wai Hlaing

Dr Khin Wai Hlaing
Present Appointment
Department of Zoology, University of Yangon
(a) B.Sc (Hons:) Zoology (1995), University of Yangon
(b) M.Sc (Zoology) 2000, University of Yangon
(c) Ph.D (Environmental Studies) 2012, University of Yangon
Carrier history
Demonstrator (1997-2005)
Assistant Lecturer (2005-2010)
Lecturer (2010-2015)
Associate Professor (2015-2021)
Professor (2021-Present)
Course taught
Biodiversity, Zool. 5203
Toxicology, Zool. 713
( 6 )MSc students and( 1) PhD student
I have lectured and supervised to undergraduate and graduate students concerning the subjects; Ichthyology, carcinology, Entomology, Biodiversity and Conservations
Research interest
Ichthyology, Environmental Studies

E mail Address
Phone Number
09420017984, 09951589059
Selected Publications
1. Khin Wai Hlaing (2021, June). Study on the ornamental fish species at private aquarium centers in Dagon Area. Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(2).
2. Khin Wai Hlaing, Myint Myint Than, & Thanda (2018, December). Study on crab species in mangrove area of Mawlamyaing Kyun Township. Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(2).
3. Khin Wai Hlaing, Thanda (2018, August). Major and minor pest species in agricultural area of Kyaing Tong University Campus. Bago University Research Journal, 8(1).
4. Khin Wai Hlaing (2018, June). Identification on some aquatic species of Myoma Market in Kyaing Tong Township. Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(1).
5. Khin Wai Hlaing (2013). Investigation on the morphological differences of some prawn species in Dawei Town. Dawei University Research Journal, 5(1).
6. Khin Wai Hlaing& Tar Tar (2022).Systematic Study on Species Composition of Fish Species Collected from Myoma Market, Bago Township, Bago Region. University of Yangon Research Journal 2022, Vol.11,No.2,441-446