kalayar.yinminnthu@gmail.com, kalayarmyatmyathtwe@uy.edu.mm
Academic Qualifications
BA (History), University of Distance Education, Yangon, 2001
Diploma (Archaeology), University of Yangon, 2003
MA (Archaeology), University of Yangon, 2005
Diploma (French), University of Foreign Languages, Mandalay, 2009
Ph.D (Archaeology), University of Yangon, 2016

The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Award (Arts) 2016
Research Background
International Collaborations

-Myanmar- French Neolithic- Bronze- Iron Age Research Project (from 2015 to present)
-Myanmar- French archaeological project ” Thanintharyi and the Maritime Silk Roads” (from 2017 to present)
-Comparative study of copper-base artifacts dated to Bronze- Iron Age (2018)
-The National Geographic Society-funded project “Investigating the role of strategic resources in the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Bagan 9th-14th c. AD, Myanmar” (2019)
-Asia Research Centre, University of Yangon, funded project “Archaeology and Geological evidences from southern most area of Myanmar” (2021)

1. Thomas Oliver Pryce, Aung Aung Kyaw, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Lucy Andia, Camille Colonna, Aude Favereau, Anna Wills, Baptiste Pradier, et al, “Dating the Myanmar Bronze Age: Preliminary 14C Dates from the Oakaie 1 Cemetery Near Nyaunggan”, Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology, 39, 38- 49, 2015.
2. Thomas Oliver Pryce, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Myrto Georgakopoulou, Tiffany Martin, Enrique Vega, Thilo Rehren, Tin Tin Win, et al, “Metallurgical traditions and metal exchange networks in late prehistoric centeal Myanmar, c. 1000 BC to c. AD500”, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol 10, Number 5, 1087-1109, 2018.
3. Thomos Oliver Pryce, Aung Aung Kyaw, Myo Min Kyaw, Tin Tin Win, Berenice Bellina, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Aude Favereau, Charles Higham, Baptiste Pradier, et al, “A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS 14C dates from Nyaunggan and Oakaie”, Antiquity, Vol 92, Issue 363, 690-708, 2018.
4. Berenice Bellina, Maung Sun Win, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Christina Castillo, Camille Colonna, Laure Dussubieux, Thomas Oliver Pryce, Aude Favereau, Baptiste Pradier, et al, “Myanmar’s earliest Maritime Silk Road port-settlements reveaked”, Antiquity, Vol 92, Issue 366, e6 (1-5), 2018.
5. Aude Favereau, Thomas O. Pryce, Tin Tin Win, Louis Champion, Thu Thu Win, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Aye Aye Mar, Baptiste Pradier and Anna Willis, “Étude du mobilier céramique de deux cimetieres de la fin du deuxième au début du premier millénaire avant notre ère en Haute Birmanie: technologie, typologie et chronologie”, Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême- Orient, 104. 2018, p. 33-61.
6. Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, “A study on the Bronze Age Cultural Context in Nyaunggan”, Doctoral Dissertation Research Report, the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, June 2019.
7. Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, “Bronze-Iron Age Copper-base Artifacts: Preliminary Archaeometallurgical Analysis”, Universities Research Journal 2018, Vol (11), August 2019.
8. Laure Dussubieux, Berenice Bellina, Win Hsan Oo, U Maung Sun Win, Htet Myat Thu, Kalayar Myat Myat Htwe, Khinsandar Kyaw, “First elemental analysis of glass from Southern Myanmar: replacing the region in the early Maritime Silk Road”, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol-12 no. 7, 139,1-14, July 2020