Daw Lwin Cho Latt is an Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations at the University of Yangon and a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of International Relations at Ritsumeikan University on the JDS programme (2019-2022). She holds a double M.A degree in ‘International Relations’ from the University of Yangon and International University of Japan. Her research focuses on Myanmar’s cooperation with China under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework and her field of study is Peace and Security.
(+95 9) 795267194
1) Lwin Cho Latt. (2020). The National League for Democracy Government’s Outlook on the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor: A Harbinger of Internal Peace and National Development, Ritsumeikan Journal of International Relations and Area Studies, Vol. 52, Institute of International Relations and Area Studies, Ritsumeikan University, 113-134.
2) Lwin Cho Latt. (2019). The Importance of Legitimacy in Myanmar’s Peacemaking Efforts, Universities Research Journal 2018, Vol. 11(3), 357-372.
3) Lwin Cho Latt. (2019). Negotiations on Federalism in Myanmar’s Peace Process since 2011, Journal of Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science 2019, Vol. 17(7), 265-281. http://www.maas.edu.mm/Research/Admin/pdf/15.%20Daw%20Lwin%20Cho%20Latt(265-282).pdf
4) Lwin Cho Latt, Hillman, B., and others. (2018). ‘From Ceasefire to Dialogue: The Problem of “All-Inclusiveness” in Myanmar’s Stalled Peace Process’. In: Myanmar Transformed? People, Places, Politics. ed. Chambers, McCarthy, Farrelly and Chit Win, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2018, 231-250. https://bookshop.iseas.edu.sg/publication/2345
5) Lwin Cho Latt. (2016). Myanmar’s Attitude to the Candidacy of India in the United Nations Security Council, Universities Research Journal 2016, Vol. 9(4), 315-330.