Core Courses of Bachelor of Science (Honours)

Undergraduate Studies
Core Courses of Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Industrial Chemistry (Five-year Program, Total Credit Units 216)

* Elective courses
# In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Industrial Chemistry degree, Third Year Honours Students must take part in occasional field trips (to plants / factories) / project assignments, related to their field of studies, as deemed necessary by the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Submission of Term Paper at the end of the second semester.
First Year Honours
Course Description
Water and Wastewater Technology I & II

This module aims to introduce the general knowledge of natural waters, water characteristics and treatment of water and wastewater. This unit also provides the natural water resources and water quality standards for boiler feed water, surface and ground water, and wastewater.
Learning Outcomes
Water and Wastewater Technology I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Identify the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the surface and ground water.
-Calculate the chemical parameters such as alkalinity and hardness.
-Recognize the water quality standards.
-Illustrate the fundamentals of water, boiler feed water and wastewater treatment.
-Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of softening and aeration.
-Manipulate the experiments of water analysis.
Water and Wastewater Technology II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Describe and demonstrate basic knowledge of key principles underlying disinfection and wastewater treatment such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and filtration.
-Understand the physical, chemical, and biological processes necessary for wastewater treatment processes.
-Understand the water pollution control.
-Apply the operational steps in water and wastewater treatment processes.

Unit Processes I & II
Main topics included are hydrolysis, esterification, oxidation, nitration, sulfonation and sulfation reactions in chemical process industries. This module deals with the principles, properties and application of various types of reagents and prime factors influencing the design of nitrators, and also possible side reactions during sulphonation.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Processes I
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the process technologies of various organic and inorganic process industries.
-Describe the principles of oxidation, esterification and hydrolysis reactions in chemical process industries.
-Understand the properties of various types of oxidizing gents, esterifying agents and hydrolyzing agents in chemical process industries.
-Apply the technology in manufacture of various inorganic and organic chemicals.
Unit Processes II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the principles of nitration, sulfonation and sulfation reactions involved in chemical process industries.
-Understand various types of nitration agents, sulfonating and sulfating agents.
-Analyze the pathway of the derivatives through the reactions.

Unit Operations I & II
This module gives an overview of mass transfer, phase equilibria, distillation, extraction and absorption. It involves the study of the fundamental principles of diffusion phenomenon and mass transfer. This unit also provides the equipment, different methods of computation and thermodynamic conditions related to the necessary experimental design.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Operations I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand mass transfer and diffusion in gas, liquid and solid molecules.
-Derive the equations to relate the necessary experimental data and the unknown phase conditions, temperature and pressure.
-Understand the separation techniques.
-Solve the problems related to distillation in chemical process industry.
Unit Operations II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to :
-Compare and contrast the concept of liquid-liquid extraction vs. solid-liquid extraction.
-Derive the mathematic equation of extraction processes.
-Solve the problems using the properties and relationships of extraction processes.
-Understand the mechanism of absorption process.
-Derive the mathematic equation of absorption process.

Industrial Physical Chemistry II & III
This module focuses on basic principles, concepts and mechanisms of chemical engineering kinetics and reactor design. It also provides on study of multiple phase reactions and reaction limitations in continuous and batch type reactors.
Learning Outcomes
Industrial Physical Chemistry II

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Study the rate of chemical reactions and factors affecting the rate of chemical reaction.
-Understand reaction mechanism of chemical reactions.
-Classify the order of reaction and molecularity of chemical reactions.
-Apply various experimental techniques to measure the rate of a chemical reaction, order of reaction, rate constant, molecularity and activation energy in chemical process industries.
Industrial Physical Chemistry III
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the fundamental principles and concepts related to chemical reaction engineering and chemical kinetics.
-Apply these concepts and principles in the analysis of reaction systems.
-Analyze batch and continuous reactor system, multiphase reactor systems and their effects on the reaction.

This module gives an overview of the current and future technologies for the oil and gas industry. It involves the study of petrochemicals digest and their derivatives.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the sources of petrochemicals, techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for the processing of petrochemicals, synthetic gas and detergents.
-Categorize the key products and derivatives of petrochemicals in petroleum based industries.
-Understand the production routes of petroleum based industries.

Plastic Technology
This module gives an overview of the current and future technologies for plastic industry. It involves the study of the fundamental principles of plastic moulding techniques, modern plastic and general properties for design considerations.
Learning Outcomes
Plastic Technology

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the types and characteristics of raw materials in plastics industries.
-Analyze the types of plastics, plasticizers, fillers, resins and polymers.
-Understand the manufacturing and polymerization processes, molding techniques and the development of plastics products.
-Know the techniques for the production of elec¬tronic equipments, microelectronic devices and other industrial application.

Second Year Honours
Course Description
Process Engineering Economics I & II

This module aims to introduce plant design and economics analysis for chemical engineers. It involves the determination of optimum operating conditions in experimental design, cost estimation and industrial management. Moreover, the leadership and management skill can be taught in this module.
Learning Outcomes
Process Engineering Economics I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Analyze the optimum operating conditions for minimum cost of a process.
-Apply the concept of alternates based on the quantity or yields.
-Understand the cost estimation of an industry/ factory.
-Evaluate the economic feasibility of new processes and products.
Process engineering Economics II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the role of leadership and management of differences and conflicts.
-Understand complex ideas and tolerate ambiguity in managerial and organisational problem-solving.
-Understand the basic managerial decisions.
-Manipulate economic analysis for a selection of plant site.

Unit Processes III & IV
Mechanisms of hydrogenation, polymerization, alkylation and industrial polymerization practices can also be learnt in this module. Moreover, it can give the knowledge on the production and application of different resins, covering the alkylation and types of alkylation.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Processes III

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the principles and mechanism of hydrogenation and polymerization reactions involved in chemical process industries.
-Describe the importance of catalysts in hydrogenation and polymerization.
-Analyze the techniques of hydrogenation in the production of various types of hydrogenated compounds.
-Apply the polymerization reactions in industrial processes.
Unit Processes IV
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the principles and mechanism of alkylation and polymerization reactions involved in chemical process industries.
-Understand the types of alkylating agents in alkylation and catalysts of particular polymerization reactions.
-Apply the technical unit processes of alkylation for alkyl aryl detergents.
-Understand industrial polymerization practices.

Unit Operations V & VI
This module gives an overview of filtration, crystallization, drying and their industrial applications. It also provides the empirical and fundamental tools in the design of the process and equipment.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Operations V

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand and apply the basic methods of crystallization.
-Evaluate efficiency and requirements of unit operations encountered in processes.
-Manipulate empirical and fundamental tools in the design of equipment and processes.
Unit Operations VI
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the basic concepts of drying and adsorption processes.
-Know about the dryer types and their classification and operations.
-Understand the mechanism of adsorption and types of adsorption, adsorbents and their uses.
-Apply the fundamental theory of adsorption of solid when contacting with fluid mixture and solve the problems encountered in chemical process industries.

Selected Topics in Industrial Chemistry I
This module includes the identification of industrial oil and fat products and also involves the description of their refining and production methods. Moreover, the student can learn the manufacturing processes of soap and detergent, and nitrogen and nitrogen based products. As part of the module, the student can learn research methodology for contribution of research concepts, ideas, laboratory rules, academic writing format and style.
Learning Outcomes
Selected Topics in Industrial Chemistry I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the processing and analysis of fats and oils, soaps, detergents and fertilizer.
-Analyze the unit operations and processes involved in manufacturing.
-Understand the research methodology, management process and laboratory housekeeping.
-Manipulate research systemically and effectively contribute data presentation.
-Write an original/ good research/ project paper.

Industrial Inorganic Chemistry
This module aims to introduce the concepts and principles related to inorganic chemistry and nuclear chemistry. It provides limitations of composites materials used in chemical process industries, properties and uses of the nuclear fuel in nuclear power plants. It also includes fundamental mechanism of corrosion and the related problems encountered in oil and gas industries.
Learning Outcomes
Industrial Inorganic Chemistry

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the main raw materials, production, properties and uses of composite materials
-Distinguish the types of matrices and reinforcement.
-Discuss the advantages and limitations of composites materials used in chemical process industries.
-Understand the fundamental of radioactivity, radioactive decays and nuclear reaction.
-Identify the properties and uses of the nuclear fuel.
-Understand the nuclear reactor and nuclear power plants.
-Understand the fundamental concepts of corrosion and the related problems encountered in oil and gas industries.
-Apply the prevention and protection methods in the piping systems.

Chemical Process Industries I & II
This module can give an access to the influencing factors on their manufacturing processes of inorganic acids, pulp and paper products, cosmetic products, and how to prevent the environmental effect related to the chemical industries.
Learning Outcomes
Chemical Process Industries I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
 Understand the manufacture of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, sodium, sulphur, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, some inorganic chemicals, portland cement and glass.
-Identify the influencing factors in the manufacturing process of inorganic and organic products.

Chemical Process Industries II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the sources, conversion process and manufacture processes of pulp and paper products.
-Manipulate the conversion techniques for biomass into useful products.
-Understand the ingredients used in cosmetics and their functions.
-Manipulate and analyze the basic formulation of a cosmetic product.
-Manipulate the development of cosmetic products.

Third Year Honours
Course Description
Process Engineering Economics and Plant Design I & II

This module aims to introduce general design considerations, cost estimation related to optimum design, heat and mass transfer equipment design, handling and treatment of equipment for chemical engineers. It involves determining the optimum conditions of equipment as necessary in the plant design economically.
Learning Outcomes
Process Engineering Economics and Plant Design I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the equipment of many different units in the development of a complete plant design.
-Apply determining the optimum conditions in unit operations.
-Understand the costs, profits and the important factors in the design of industrial plants.
-Apply the engineering principles in the complete industrial plant design.
Process Engineering Economics and Plant Design II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the design and cost estimation of heat transfer and mass transfer equipment.
-Analyze the optimum conditions in heat transfer and mass transfer.
-Illustrate the optimum design of heat exchangers by applying basic theories of heat transfer.

Unit Processes V & VI
This module focuses on the mechanisms of amination, halogenation, hydrocarbon synthesis and hydroformylation. It also provides the Nano Science and Technology for the preparation of polymer additives, blends and polymer composites according to solid-state properties of polymers and fundamental thermodynamic relationships.
Learning Outcomes
Unit Processes V

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the solid-state properties of polymers, degradation and fundamental thermodynamic relationships.
-Understand the management of plastics in the environment.
-Understand the polymer additives, blends and polymer composites.
-Apply the nano particles in their related polymer science and technology fields.
Unit Processes VI
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the Fischer Tropsch synthesis processes.
-Understand the reduction methods by amination and halogenation process of the aromatic and aliphatic compounds.
-Understand the design and construction of the equipment for these processes.
Instrumental Methods of Analysis
This module gives the basic principles, instrumentation and applications of UV, IR and NMR spectroscopy. It also provides the identification and purification of organic compounds by interpreting UV, IR and NMR spectrums.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the basic principles and relevant terms of UV, IR and NMR Spectroscopy.
-Understand the instrumentation and working principle of UV, IR and NMR Spectroscopy devices.
-Interpret UV, IR and NMR spectrums for identification of organic compounds.

Unit Operations VII
This module gives an overview of chemical reactors, fluidization, industrial furnaces, dryers, and different industrial heating processes. This unit also provides the kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction processes accompanied by their performance and design of these reactors and also the fuel economy measures and waste heat recovery in industrial furnaces.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the mechanisms of heterogeneous catalyzed and non-catalyzed reactions and importance of adsorption processes.
-Understand the rate expressions of heterogeneous reactions and catalysis.
-Solve the related problems with fixed bed and fluidized bed reactors.
-Evaluate the design of fixed bed and fluidized bed reactors for heterogeneous reactions.
-Design the component of operating conditions to optimize a desired product in chemical process industries.

Selected Topics in Industrial Chemistry II & III
This module aims to introduce the concepts and principles related to the food product industries, perfume and flavor industries, industrial gases and analysis. It involves the concepts of food processing, preservation and safety, extraction of fragrances from various sources and also the application and handlings of the most common industrial gases.
Learning Outcomes
Selected Topics in Industrial Chemistry II

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the properties of major food constituents and of the biohazards with regard to product quality in food industry.
-Understand the awareness of the principles and importance of cleaning and sanitation in food process operations.
-Evaluate the food processing operations that can affect the quality of foods.
-Apply HACCP for food safety management to a food product design.
-Apply the technical knowledge of waste management in food industry.
Selected Topics in Industrial Chemistry III
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Apply the extraction methods of fragrances or essential oils from various plant sources.
-Understand the various constituents of perfumes and flavors.
-Apply the different synthetics and semi synthetics processes used in perfumes and flavors.
-Understand the industrial gases, specialty gases and its manufacture, uses and safety handling.

Fuel Science
This module includes the fundamental principles of energy conversion by the combustion process (solid fuels, liquid fuels and gaseous fuels) and energy conversion by nuclear reactions. It also provides management of radioactive wastes, application of renewable energy, biological fuel generation, fuel combustion calculation by applying the principles of energy conversion.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the characteristics of solids, liquid and gaseous fuels for the processing of secondary fuel mixture such as colloidal fuel, petroleum based hydraulic fluids, gasification, methane reforming and synthesis.
-Solve the problems related to the flammability characteristics of hydrocarbon and alcohols, chimney heights and maximum gas concentration at ground level in fuel science and technology.
-Illustrate the basic concept of techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for the processing of nuclear fuel, energy conversion by nuclear reaction and radiation hazards in fissile fuel.

Environmental Science
This module aims to introduce the basic principles underlying air water pollution, effect of weather on pollution, solid waste, chemical reaction in the atmosphere, and stratospheric ozone. This unit provides the water and air pollution prevention techniques in the environment and the management of solid waste, hazardous waste and pesticide.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the nature and types of water pollutants.
-Understand the reasons of water and air pollution from natural contaminants and various treatment methods employed for the removal of impurities.
-Understand the effects of air pollution on human and animals heaths.
-Evaluate the effect of weather conditions on influence of air pollution and climate changes.
-Apply the systematic use of pesticides and to minimize their impact on environments.

Process Biotechnology I & II
This module gives an overview of fermentation technology and industrial microbiology. It includes basic principles of microbiology, application of fermentation techniques using microorganisms in the processing of food and beverages, production of chemicals and antibiotics and also treatment of wastewater.

Learning Outcomes
Process Biotechnology I

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the growth of substances and environmental conditions required for microorganisms, microbial ecology, and bioreactors.
-Apply these concepts in the production of biomass as source of renewable energy, fermentation process for food production, waste water treatment and composting (will fermentation), production of alcoholic beverages from fruits and vegetables.
-Understand and manipulate the different fermentation processes, treatment of waste effluent from food industries.
-Analyze the effect of influencing factors on different fermentation processes,
Process Biotechnology II
At the end of the course, the students must be able to:
-Understand the basic concepts of biogas technology, production of energy and fertilizer on a decentralized basis for small farms.
-Understand the fermentation conditions.
-Understand the functions of different microorganisms in fermentation.
-Utilize fermentation technology in processing of food, beverages, antibiotics, amino acids, organic acids, and vitamins, etc.
-Understand the process of hydrogen production in biological system.