Second Steering Committee Meeting of CABARET Project in IHCantabria, in Santander, Spain

Over 30 experts from across Europe and Asia met from 27th to 29th September 2017 at IHCantabria, in Santander, Spain, for the Second Steering Committee Meeting of the project CABARET (Capacity Building in Asia for Resilience EducaTion). This is a project funded by the European Union to foster regional cooperation for more effective multi-hazard early warning and increased disaster resilience among coastal communities. It will support joint initiatives and sharing of good practices among Higher Education Institutes in Asia and Europe, as we as promote links between Higher Education and other socio-economic actors.

CABARET aims to promote international cooperation between Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Asia and Europe, and among Asian HEIs themselves, to improve multi-hazard early warning and increase resilience among coastal communities.  CABARET will strengthen relations between HEIs and the wider economic and social environment through its focus on coastal communities, many of which are under severe pressure resulting from planned and unplanned development, population growth and human induced vulnerability, coastal hazards with increasing frequency and magnitude, and the impacts of global climate change. It will build capacity, foster regional integration and cooperation through joint initiatives, sharing of good practices and cooperation among HEIs in Asia and Europe.

CABARET will empower individuals and organisations with the skills, competencies and credentials needed to promote and sustain regional cooperation within Asia and Europe, and within Asia itself, aimed at reducing the likelhood and impact of disasters in coastal communities. It will enhance the capacities of the partner HEIs in Asia to meet (match) the challenges and specific needs of the wider economic and social environment – strengthening the internationalisation of HEIs and their capacity to network effectively in research, scientific and technological innovation, faciliate the exchange of experience and practice despite of diversity, and increase the ability of partner HEIs in Asia to build relationships with relevant socio-economic actors.

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