Third Year Honours                                                                                     First Semester

Module No. Name of Module Credit


Hours per week
Lecture Tutorial/ Practical
Math 5201 Analysis V 4 4 2
Math 5202 General Topology II 4 4 2
Math 5203 Abstract Algebra II 4 4 2
Math 5204 Hydrodynamics I 4 4 2
Math 5205 Numerical Analysis II 4 4 2
Math 5206 Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations I 4 4 2
Total 24 24 12



Third Year Honours                                                                                     Second Semester

Module No. Name of Module Credit


Hours per week
Lecture Tutorial/ Practical
Math 5207 Analysis VI 4 4 2
Math 5208 General Topology III 4 4 2
Math 5209 Abstract Algebra III 4 4 2
Math 5210 Hydrodynamics II 4 4 2
Math 5211 Graph Theory 4 4 2
Math 5212 Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations II 4 4 2
Total 24 24 12



Curriculum for M Sc. Degree (Mathematics Specialization)

M.Sc First Year                                                                                             First Semester

Module No. Name of Module Credit


Hours per week
Lecture Tutorial/ Practical
Math 611 Analysis I 4 4 2
Math 612 Abstract Algebra 4 4 2
Math 613 (a) Qualitative Theory of Ordinary     Differential Equations(OR)

(b) Dynamical systems

4 4 2
Math 614 Discrete Mathematics


4 4 2
Math 615 Numerical Analysis I


Solution of linear Systems of equations

4 4 2
Math 616 Physical Applied Mathematics I 4 4 2
Math 617 Stochastics Process I 4 4 2
Total 28 28 14





M.Sc First Year                                                                                             Second Semester

Module No. Name of Module Credit


Hours per week
Lecture Tutorial/ Practical
Math 621 Analysis II 4 4 2
Math 622 Linear Algebra 4 4 2
Math 623 (a) Partial Differential Equations    (OR)

(b) Differential Geometry

4 4 2
Math 624 Graph Theor 4 4 2
Math 625 Numerical Analysis II 4 4 2
Math 626 Physical Applied Mathematics II 4 4 2
Math 627 Stochastics Process II 4 4 2
Elective (1) * 3 2 2
Total 28 28 14

*A student can choose any 1 of 2 elective courses offered by the department of mathematics to fulfill a total of 22 credit units.




Core Courses

Math 621 Analysis II
Math 622 Linear Algebra
Math 623 (a) Partial Differential Equations

(OR) (b) Differential Geometry

Math 624 Graph Theory
Math 625 Numerical Analysis II
Math 626 Physical Applied Mathematics II
Math 627 Stochastics Process II

Elective Courses

Math  628  PDE and Approximations

Math  629  Applied Probability and Satatistics